Happy New Year Starting Now!

Monday Jan 8th, 2018


It’s January 8th and I want to wish you a Happy New Year!   While the world was enjoying New Year’s Eve, nursing hangovers, and hibernating through the extreme cold in Ontario last week, we were recovering from the worst virus/flu/bronchitis that’s touched our family yet. Having been out of commission for two weeks, I’m hitting the refresh button on 2018 starting now. And that’s essentially my motto for 2018. START NOW - a new beginning can, and will,... [read more]

Staying Accountable

Wednesday Jan 17th, 2018


  Last week, I wrote about “Starting Now.” And, that’s my motto for this year “Start Now.”  So, I’m curious, what resolutions did you set and start for 2018? Is there one big goal you want to accomplish? Have you broken down how are you going to get there? Who’s keeping you accountable to your goals? For me, I’ve started on learning and development this January. I’ll give you a behind the scenes update of what I’ve... [read more]



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